Wednesday, July 16, 2008

6 days to go!!

Life certainly has a way of stretching one to the limit.
I have returned from a week in Cape Town which was to be an orderly arrangement of my business in preparation of my absconding from normal responsibilities for 4 months. It was not to be. My dear Mother -in-law Chenda Haw died peacefully at aged 90 and the week was spent paying tribute to her abundant and admirable life and gathering all 9 granchildren from all corners of the world for her funeral celebration. She was afforded a rousing and emotional send off.
I, when time permitted packed my bag for the 4 months ahead and sent it off airfreight to Istanbul wondering if I should ever be so lucky as to be re-united with it. It was jam packed with camping gear and bike spares and the barest essentials in the clothing line.
My battle to procure visas continues but my passport has emerged from Cental Asia complete with visas from Azerbijan, Uzbekistan, Krygystan and Turkmenistan. China wants me to produce R1000 for each day that I am in China --- and I am in China for 72 days --- so negotiations are still in progress.
It is at anxious times like this when I gaze around at the peace of my beautiful Knysna surroundings, that I have to remind myself that this will all be worth the effort and that the most incredible and wondrous experiences lie just ahead of me---- and a little bravery is needed to just get there.

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