Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blast off!

I write this in a state of high anxiety. Flight leaves for Istanbul in a few hours - and luckily-I am clutching my passport with Chineses visa in my paw! The attempts of shutting down my life for a 4 month absence have been exhausting and at times unsuccesful- like trying to shut a hyper-active cat into a cardboard box. When you think you are done - it is still mournfully howling.
Thanks to all my friends and Family and especially Estelle from whose house I depart, having used her studio as a pack shed.
I will give this my best shot, will keep my eyes, heart and brain wide open, will try to avoid obvious obstacles and not look for trouble!
I hope to return with many more points of wonder to marvel at and give thanks for this incredible life we have.
I will think so often of home, South Africa and all the people therein whom I love
Au Revoir and Tot siens


Lyle said...

Have a GREAT trip Dr. J. It should be a Cracker! Anna, Christa and I look forward to reading all about it.

Unknown said...

Hope all well on your arrival! Thanks for the farewell supper. Ride safe and looking forward to your reports. Frank Anne and family

Unknown said...

Hello Joan,

Am just loving your blog!! So well written everything comes alive when reading your news updates. Thinking about you!


Jane and Johnny