Thursday, July 17, 2008

Route information

I do realise that my route through Central Asia is a mystery to most - How do we avoid being caught in the crossfire in Afghanistan, abducted by renegades in Iran. freeze solid in the Karakorum Mountains in Pakistan? My recent readings has made it clear to me that the "Silk Route" is not a single road. Over the centuries trade has flourished and waned, often due to political stresses and warring, and the routes taken by merchants with silk, jade, amber and even rhubarb have had to alter accordingly. Our route in 2008 is no different and we are endouvouring to avoid all the potential hot spots. The details are displayed on the website of the Tour d'Afrique website at
It has loads of information - just click on the top heading of Silk Route and get very jealous!!


Unknown said...

Joan you are a legend, enjoy the adventure. Greg

lynnette and Fritz said...

Hi Joanbone, Old Madcap,
assume you're on your way to Istanbul right now. Have a great time there (and everywhere else)!
If you should come across the old Pudding Shop, not far from the Blue Mosque, do tell - nostalgia is prompting the request, were there last 38 years ago. Dare say the town would have changed a tad.
Had a good look at your route and all's clear as custard, in spite of changed Chinese spellings (why do the plonkers have to do that?).
Wishing you a top little trip and no medical mayhem!!! Love F&L

pat said...

Joan, our legs will be with you every pedal of the way - and our hearts too.
Be safe, enjoy and come back all in one piece!
Our love,
Pat and Jan x