Friday, June 27, 2008


Preparing to traverse the Central Asian landmass with its many "-Stans" has proved a frustrating and tedious business. We will be travelling through eight countries ( Turkey, Georgia, Azerbijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tagikistan, Krygystan and China) and I require a visa for every one. If you have had the experince of acquiring a Shengen visa recently - multiply the level of bureaucracy and red tape by a factor of 10 and you are approaching the process in which I am still immersed. As I write, my passport is with an "agent" in Ankara, Turkey doing the rounds of all the previous USSR countries. A legacy of paranoia exists still, as visas for these countries require "Letters of Invitation" which have to be approved by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. I have resigned myself to the fact that I may well have to set off without all the required documentation and hope that somewhere en route I can be legalised. China ,too, is being very awkward due to the influx of foreigners for the Olympics and they are prepared to give me a visa for 3 months which means it will be expired by the time I reach Beijing. Oh well- so I may be extradited- but at least I will have arrived!!


Unknown said...

Way to go Ma!! I'm so impressed with your computer geekness, but what you doing up so late? Have you been playing around on the computer late into the night, thrilled with your computer abilities.
Have a good weekend!

Unknown said...

I've got to agree with Anna - impressive computer skills. My erstwhile student has surpassed me! I've never had a blog site. But then, I never done any transcontinental cycling either, so I won't even try to compete!