Friday, August 22, 2008

Baku-still here----

Africa is a breeze to travel though compared to this Central Asia!
Not only is it entirely unpredictable - but any attempt at enquiry is met with a stern authoritarian face, a loud retort- and no worthwhile information at all. At least in Africa - there sems a greater capacity for joy and fun.
We are still stranded on at the dockside in Baku. Ferry is docked but not going anywhere fast.
Ferries at the Turkmenistan end are doing circles in the Caspian Sea - they are reluctant to dock as that costs money. Trains are backing up there also - but until the trains arrive from Georgia - nothing leaves this end.
This information has been gleaned by me over numerous cups of tea and tasty Baclava with the truckers who have also been lined up for days. Some of them have been lined up waiting to get OUT of the dock. They say - the authorities ALWAYS make it dificult and bribes are ALWAYS needed. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that all the Police and customs officers here at the dock drive Mercedes.
So - we wait- and fall behind schedule which may mean another bus trip when we finally make Turkmenistan!!! Miles( the tour leader) and the van is patiently waiting for us - he had to divert through Iran to get there.
But I did have a treat last night.
We went for a bite to eat at a nearby restuarant and were treated to being spectators of an engagement party - complete with traditional Azerbaijan live music and dancing. I even got serenanded by the saxaphone player! Then it was back to the dockside to our sleeping maps and a wash off under a convenient hose - if you could escape the eye of the ever present cops.
I never fail to be amazed by the contrasts that can be experienced in a mere 24 hours!


Dodgy Zebra said...

can't believe you are still sitting on the side of the docks! it DOES sounds worse than africa!
had a great party on saturday for mark and laura's engagement.
so much love

Johnny Di said...

Dear Joan
Amazing footage - sorry you got caught up in the Georgian Crisis. We have been watching all the news and learning all about Russian, Armenian, Georgian history......... Maybe you should rig a sail on your bike!!!!! This time throw a six please!
We will watch this space.
Love Johnny and Di

Carol said...

It's Tues now and no new posting...hope you are not STILL stuck there. Baku does seem like a fascinating city and I hope you have been able to enjoy exploring it.