Sunday, August 3, 2008

Travel Haiku


Moving mass of man
Money units- then divides
As we fly to dreams


Layers of history
Shimmer off ancient waters
As God gazes down


Wheels revolve,
thoughts spin.
Natures bounty rises up
Gratitude unfurls


Unknown said...

Hi Ma
I'm seriously impressed both with your writing and computer skills. I know you can easily cycle across continents with no problem but you have amazed me with your other skills. I think you can give up medicine now and take to the pen (just get me through graduation).

I think Kenya is somewhat different to Turkey but I am enjoying it nontheless and making some good contacts.

Missing you lots but enjoying your updates.

Lots of love

Marian said...

Hi Joan

I don't know when you will get the chance to read this, but just to let you know our thoughts are with you on your journey. Turkey is such an intriguing country, a kaleidoscope of cultures and a convoluted history. As for your hip, try releasing tension in the iliacus muscle by practising supta baddha konasana (supine cobbler's pose) at the end of your day's cycling. This will not, of course, alleviate the arthritis, but it may help you to refocus your awareness!

Love from us all in Scotland,
