Saturday, September 20, 2008

Check out the photos

My faithful blog followers-
I have been able to post quite a few photos today - but they are a bit out of order with the text - my apologies.
The China photos are first and then the Uzbek ones - and the text is the other way around
Hope you enjoy seeing a bit of my world now/
All is well and the mob remain healthy - fortunately!


lynnette and Fritz said...

On ya Joano, good to see the haiku production is in full flaming swing! The pics are much appreciated, too. And your flock being healthy looks like a change from the usual medical mayhem attaching itself to your sorties! Might get away without some roadside heart transplant after all. Here's a sluk to that! Cheers

Jane said...

I just wanted to let you know that I've been following your blog from Montreal as I'm dreaming of doing the trip in 2010, if I can find a way to make all the stars line up. Thank you for the colourful descriptions and beautiful pictures.

Jane in Montreal